
Art and Mysticism Are a Journey
Art and mysticism are a journey. Both draw out the imagination, our sense of community with others. Both are attempts to live out of more than our heads alone. Both are attempts to better understand our instincts, emotions, senses....

Reflection on Art and Mysticism
The Rhythm Between the Vision, the Medium, and the Art
Seventeen years ago I first discovered St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, mystical theologians and doctors of the church who lived and wrote in the fifteenth century. Their writings gave a glimpse of the interior life. A vision of the soul....

The Art of Deception
Fired by creative inspiration, the artist evokes a noble and innocent self-image. But the imagination is susceptible to self-deception, dishonesty and illusion....

The Art of Interpretation
It was on the Lord's day, and I was caught up by the Spirit; and behind me I heard a loud voice, like the sound of a trumpet, which said to me 'Write down what you see on a scroll and send it to the seven churches....

Creativity and Children
That early imperative to learn words: to explain, analyze, categorize; to learn words at the expense of imagination.

Forms of Imagination
Imaginative vision takes many forms. In the visual arts, two activities alternate: entering into the work and distancing oneself from it.

The Habits of Art
These habits tap the visual and creative parts of ourselves. They teach us skills that will enhance whatever work life asks of us.

The Triumph of Art over Suffering
The diaries give us a valuable insight into Mother’s methods of work and her tempo. She constantly swung between long periods of depression and inability to work and the much shorter periods when she felt she was making progress in her work and mastering her task. She suffered terribly during these spells of emptiness. — Hans Kollwitz

